On TOP of the World!! -
During the Midnight Madness Exhibit Hall event (sales and performances throughout the exhibit hall) the Fitz Family were letting people try a 6 foot unicycle. I decided to give it a shot – now, I can ride a 3 foot ‘normal’ unicycle, but I’ve always been scared to death of the tall ones! I decided not to tell them I could ride a little one out of fear that they would let go and push me to ride the tall one solo and I’d crash and make a fool out of myself…. they helped me on… they led me for about ten feet and then something snapped… no, not the unicycle! I just could tell I could do this, I let go of them and took off! It was a blast! I was flying through the exhibit hall motioning for people to get out of the way, as I’d never done this before! I looped the entire huge exhibit hall before I realized I didn’t know how to get OFF this thing! After a full lap, I headed back around one more time so I could cut down the Laflin’s row and say hi to them – finally back in… Continue reading