Ennie, Meanie, Minie, Moe, Catch a Lizard by his Toe (or tail, if you have to) -
Back to Washington – after we left Spokane, we decided we would get out of the city and then stop for food and gasoline on the outskirts of town. Um, there are no outskirts of town…. there is Spokane, and then there is wilderness… boring… plain… never ending…. for a good two hours, and then all of sudden there is a ‘Scenic Overlook’ and we are thinking, “overlook of what?!” But needing to stretch our legs anyway we pull off the road and WOW! What a scene awaits us!! Mere photos can not capture the expanse of this view of the Columbia River. Of course, I had to go exploring… I love cliffs, every since I read the book “Cliffs” by Elene Over, I’ve enjoyed them immensely. We could see for miles in every direction. You gotta love that built in timer! I soon headed down the hill promising Sara that I would stay at least two feet from any lose crumbly cliff edges. I soon discovered there was a TON of wild life running around these cliffs! Can you spot the wildlife here BEFORE scrolling down? Need a hint: Here is a larger zoomedin.jpg image. I was DETERMINED to… Continue reading