CPC Orlando - Day #1 - Introducing the "Pastor Karl Awards" -
As DAY #1 of CPC Orlando comes to a close, I’d like to give out a few impromptu awards here on BEST CHILDREN’S PASTOR T-SHIRT: WINNER: Scott Philips Kidology member and contributor to the site. BEST PARENTS @ CPC! (?) WINNER: Rob and Kathleen Biagi ( ) Notice the baby sleeping next to the doll in the suitcase! I hope they poked some holes in it for the flight to Orlando! MOST LIKELY TO GET ARRESTED: WINNERS: These Kidology fans showed up with a marshmellow gun and proudly showed the ticket Epcot security gave them…. for ‘having too much fun.’ COOLEST BOOTH GAME: WINNER: Nitro Kids Show! ( ) This is a great concept, basketball on the head. I have an inflatable version, but this is cool – helmet and goggles! It is easy to see who is ‘a head’ in this game! But heads are gonna roll if it goes bad! Talk about losing your head in a situation! Ok, enough puns, time to move ahead… BEST DRESSED: WINNER: Lisa Welchelor…. MOST LIKELY TO WEAR THE SAME OUTFIT AS THE LAST CPC: WINNER: Lisa Welchel AND Karl Bastian. Yes, this picture is from my meeting Lisa… Continue reading