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There are two EASY options.

1) Get my posts in your e-mail just send an e-mail to: updates @

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2) OR, if you are a serious blog reader, is to set up a free BLOGLINES account and read all your blogs on one easy webpage where you can see what blogs have new posts and read them right in bloglines, or click to open any blog in a new window. I find this the best way to read blogs since I can save a blog I come across and not have to worry about remembering it or forgetting to check it again someday if it is of minor interest to me.

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3) Of course, you can always do both. :)

Let me encourage you to use the comments, it is always nice to hear from friends and family (or complete strangers) via my blog. Thanks for reading and for being a part of my journey.

KB Toys did not endorse this blog post, nor to they necessarily agree with everything I post on this blog. They are not a legal entity of or have any other affiliation whether legal or imagined and have probably never heard of me. Though they have given me a discount a few times for saying, “Hi, I’m KB!” And one time I was given an employee polo shirt which I wear with pride. (I’ve always wondered if I could show up at an employee convention and get free snacks.) OK, this disclaimer will look more official once I made the font really tiny. Thanks for reading. Now subscribe to my blog!

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Karl Bastian is the founder of, the creator of, and the author of His personal website is He is Big Kid with a passion for equipping and encouraging those who minister to children.

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