Pastor Karl's Potty Party Pictures! -
Children’s Pastors get the strangest opportunities, from cat funerals to…. potty parties? Several months ago a mom wrote to me that they were having trouble with getting their son to be potty trained. (who doesn’t?) She wrote, “We’ve tried the stickers, the candy, the big present, you name it, and nothing worked. SO, the other day I told Caleb that if he could go pee and poop in the potty for a week we’d invite you and Sara over for dinner to help us with a special celebration. He was so excited that yesterday he actually initiated going and did so without any help. He seems pretty psyched about having you come to celebrate with us and the motivation seems to be going well so far……” Well, I agreed to help encourage him and finally it was time for the Potty Party Celebration! Pretty Cool Potty Party Cake! (the smeared writing is Luke’s fault when I got too close to the cake he lunged for it!) Proud Expert Potty Boy! How do you entertain at a Potty Party? I thought of making a toilet out of balloons, but passed.I chose the Magic Talking Potty of course who congratulated the party… Continue reading