Luke’s Big Day in Court!

YES – it is true, Sara and I are now the proud Mom and Dad of Luke Given Bastian! This was one looooooooooooooong day! I am so exhausted as I sit here after midnight to type, BUT we had so many people praying for us, and I got soooo many e-mails asking how it went that I just have to tell the story before I go to bed. Not that I could sleep now anyway, I am so excited! Here is the story of Luke’s Adoption Day, of course, with pictures! We will be printing out all the e-mails we have gotten and putting them in a book for Luke to read someday so he can see just how many people all over the country we praying for him during his adoption! What a blessing you all have been to him! (e-mail Luke link) Served by a Sherif? Face a Judge? What did I do?!?! Here is Luke this morning, wide eyed, when I explained to him that we would be traveling downtown Chicago today and that he would be served by a Sherif and then appear before a judge! It was a COLD day and our day took us…

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Luke’s First Flight and Adoption Update

Well, it was OFF TO CALIFORNIA for THANKSGIVING! Unfortunately, my digital camera got stolen (along with my iPod and a ton of other valuable stuff in a movie theater) so I lost all my pictures of Luke’s first flight, first time in the ocean, and other sweet pictures, but fortunately, Sara’s camera had a few pictures on it, and we too some more on the flight home. Luke almost didn’t make it through airport security when I admitted that he is known for carrying high levels of fluids! But he made it through the x-ray machine with only a wimper! We lucked out on both flights to have an empty seat between us, and Luke took to it right away not minding the seat belt at all. He was so content, and never cried on the flight there or back, 4 hours each way! We thought travel would be hard, but I think he looked at it as he got four solid hours of undivided attention, which is all he wants all the time anyway! Luke simply LOVED looking out the window! He is very drawn to lights, and when we flew into LA at night the lights as far…

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A Smart Turkey!

When I was a young turkey, new to the coop, My big brother Mike took me out on the stoop, Then he sat me down, and he spoke real slow, And he told me there was something that I had to know. His look and his tone I will always remember, When he told me of the horrors of Black November: “Come about August, now listen to me, Each day you’ll get six meals instead of just three, “And soon you’ll be thick, where once you were thin, And you’ll grow a big rubbery thing under your chin. “And then one morning, when you’re warm in your bed, In’ll burst the farmer’s wife, and hack off your head. “Then she’ll pluck out all your feathers so you’re bald ‘n pink, And scoop out all your insides and leave ya lyin’ in the sink; “And then comes the worst part,” he said, not bluffing, “She’ll spread your cheeks and pack your rear with stuffing.” Well, the rest of his words were too grim to repeat, I sat on the stoop like a winged piece of meat, And decided on the spot that to avoid being cooked, I’d have to lay low…

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kidologically famous? of course!

It’s always fun to surf the web and find references to your website on other websites… well, as I was blog surfin’ my favorite sites in bloglines tonight, the word “kidologically” caught my eye in this blog post. I was flattered that Paul Bradford was flattered that we linked a post of his on (click image for larger screen shot) Then I smiled when I saw, “Of course I’ll never be at the level… :)”…. so this post is just to show that is just as flattered to be linked on! Keep up the great work there in Pennsylvania, Paul! And keep on bloggin’ – and thanks for making MY day. :)

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Pastor Karl’s Potty Party Pictures!

Children’s Pastors get the strangest opportunities, from cat funerals to…. potty parties? Several months ago a mom wrote to me that they were having trouble with getting their son to be potty trained. (who doesn’t?) She wrote, “We’ve tried the stickers, the candy, the big present, you name it, and nothing worked. SO, the other day I told Caleb that if he could go pee and poop in the potty for a week we’d invite you and Sara over for dinner to help us with a special celebration. He was so excited that yesterday he actually initiated going and did so without any help. He seems pretty psyched about having you come to celebrate with us and the motivation seems to be going well so far……” Well, I agreed to help encourage him and finally it was time for the Potty Party Celebration! Pretty Cool Potty Party Cake! (the smeared writing is Luke’s fault when I got too close to the cake he lunged for it!) Proud Expert Potty Boy! How do you entertain at a Potty Party? I thought of making a toilet out of balloons, but passed.I chose the Magic Talking Potty of course who congratulated the party…

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