A Thanksgiving Day Game

What do these things all have in common?

A mother who loved Jesus and her children and teaching children about Jesus. (this is my mom with Sara back when we were dating)

A dad who loved serving God but always had time to take his son on adventures. And on these adventures he took the time to teach me life lessons that I still remember today.

My other mom by marriage who demonstrates by her loving attitude grace and hospitality wherever she goes. It is no secret where my wife’s gentle and quiet spirit and forgiving heart comes from.


Another dad by marriage whose love for the lost is an inspiring example and who loves retelling any story that shows how God can change lives.


A wife who loves her husband and little boy the way Jesus loves us – with grace and kindness and lots of patience.

A little boy who made me a Dad overnight and changed my life forever.


And who looks up to me no matter what. The love of a child is a precious undeserved gift. I now know what it meant for God to give his only begotten son… for me!


They are what I am most thankful for on Thanksgiving Day. Of course, there are many other things I’m thankful for as well – but parents, wife, and my little boy top the list. There are other family I am thankful for, friends that have modeled Christlike friendship, staff that I don’t know what I’d do without, and so much more.


But mostly I am thankful for the Cross
and to Jesus my Savior, Forgiver and Friend.

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14

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One Comment:

  1. Wonderful post, Karl. Thank you for sharing your blessings with all of us
    (pardon me, I think I got something in my eye).

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