God, Do Not Bless My Efforts! -
How many times have we prayed and asked God to bless our efforts… well, no more! Read on to discover why you should never ask God to bless your work! We want God to look down from heaven, see what wonderful things we are doing for Him, and to bless what we are doing. I was challenged to reconsider this common practice by my written mentor, Oswald Chambers, when he wrote: “Many a Christian worker has left Jesus Christ alone and gone into work from a sense of duty or from a sense of need arising out of his own particular discernment.” This does not necessarily mean we are “sinning,” but that WE are generating the spiritual activity ourselves. Though as we get busy and drift from God, sin certainly can result! Oswald referring to our Christian activity, “There is no sin in it, and no punishment attached to it; but when the soul realizes how he has hindered his understanding of Jesus Christ, and produced for himself perplexities and sorrows and difficulties, it is with shame and contrition he has to come back.” It sounded so spiritual, the old saying I latched onto as a kid: “God can’t move… Continue reading