Brian Dollar at the Dollar Store

My buddy Todd McKeever twittered that he was having lunch with Brian Dollar, a guy that many know as the creator of the awesome High Voltage Kids Ministry resources available on I then text messaged Todd to tell Brian “Hi” from me and suggested they visit a Dollar Store. (Yes, my humor is that lame.) But soon I got a picture sent from Todd’s iPhone that cracked me up:

Brian Dollar at a Dollar Store!

Everything he creates is totally awesome – from cool game music to countdowns and transitions to PowerPoint games to Kids Church curriculum. This picture made my day, so I just had to share it, and while I’m at it, encourage you to check out the cool stuff Brian cranks out that will be a great asset to your ministry to kids!

I love the way the Internet, Twitter and cell phones can connect friends all over the country, in real time. THAT is the power of Twitter and connecting electronically. Just another reason why I Twitter.

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  1. Brian Dollar….

    it kind of sounds like Joe Plumber.

  2. …except that I would most certainly NOT fall into Joe Plumber’s income category of $250,000+. So, it turns out I won’t be adversely affected by Barack Obama’s tax plan. Whew! :-)

    Thanks for the kind words about the resources, Karl. Very much appreciated. We are blessed to have an amazing team here at HVKM.

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