Kidology to Go – Where the Rubber Meets the Road!

What happens when God brings two dreams together? A new amazing ministry forms that has the potential to impact hundreds of children’s leaders and volunteers and therefore thousands of children!

YES! THIS IS KIDOLOGY’S BIG ANNOUNCEMENT – I’m leaking it a day early on my blog to give you the “back story.” It will “officially” to announced tomorrow in a Kidology Newsletter and at the Children’s Ministry Expo in Lexington, Kentucky – an event I’d love to have been at, but I’m speaking at camp this week!

Pastor Marty Martin

Pastor Marty Martin is a good friend and fellow CP I’ve known for a number of years, in fact, I blogged about my visit to his church a few years ago and and how impressed I was with his ministry there. So when Marty called me recently and shared with me that he felt God calling him to take a break from active children’s ministry and asked me for some advice – I asked him what he wanted to do. He shared with me a “crazy” dream – to travel the country with his wife and five boys in an RV, and yet he still had a desire for some kind of equipping ministry. What

Marty and Karl

Marty didn’t know, was that I had already completely written up and laid before the Lord a dream of a ministry that would go out across our country and get into churches – to provide training and encouragement right where people are. I had even presented the vision to one ministry I thought might be able to take my idea and run with it, but it wasn’t what God was calling that ministry to do, and yet, it wasn’t something Kidology was able to do on its own, or that I was able to do in this time in my life. I was honestly baffled why God would give me a such a complete vision and business plan for a ministry I had no way of fulfilling. So I committed it to quiet prayer and said nothing to anyone. Months went by. And then one day, Marty calls me. His dream plus my vision for a mobile children’s ministry of equipping and encouraging  – were a perfect fit! We were both in awe of God’s working in our lives!

Marty continued to pray about it – I took it to my board of directors, and we both got confirmation that God was calling us to partner – so the Martins and Kidology are joining together to bring Encouragment and Kidmin Training to churches across America and Canada. Marty and his family will be enjoying a unique family experience they’ve been dreaming about for years, and enjoying a ministry to churches at the same time! Kidology is delighted to play a role in helping make their dream come true.

Download the full sized
Kidology to Go Promo PDF

And it’s gonna be fun! If you know me, you know I love technology! I’m equipping Marty with a Mac, an iPhone and even a Webcam so he can report live on his journey to those who want to follow via the website, the @KidologyToGo Twitter account, and via Facebook.

Here is a SNEAK PEEK of what you might see via his Webcam when he begins his journey this fall:

For complete details, be sure to check out our brand new website – which of course, just gives the basics right now, and will have more and more info as the details unfold in the weeks ahead! There are details there on how to HOST a Kidology to Go event, how to have information there on on your ministry if you are a Resource Provider, and how to contact Marty Martin if you have any questions.

I am more excited about this new ministry of Kidology than I have been about anything in a long time! While we have literally thousands of visitors to our website each and every day, Kidology to Go is going to enable us to fulfill our mission “on the ground” – in churches, face to face – right where people are. And I am planning on making some surprise guest appearances at some of the events, I can’t wait!

So the BIG NEWS is out! “Kidology to Go” is no longer just the name of our seminars when I travel to speak, or when we sent a Kidology representative – it is now the official name of a two and have year endeavor to send Marty Martin to every state in the Union, across Canada – even to Alaska and Hawaii. (still working on how we are going to get the RV to Hawaii!)

If you would be interested in helping to financially support the Martins monthly on this ministry venture with tax deductible support – we’ll be looking to build a support team, pray about whether God might lead you to play a small role in this way.

I’m looking forward to hearing your feedback in the comments here, on twitter and over on

Kidology is ready “TO GO” where the “Rubber meets the Road!”

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  1. I am so pumped and excited to be involved with Kidology, traveling with my family around the North America and getting a chance to help churches! God is good!

  2. complete with Star Wars’esc – music sound track! this is so fantastic Marty & Karl! Way to innovate, way to equip! What a team!

  3. Marty,
    That is so cool, I would love to do something like this, had been thinking about it but just hadn’t had an open door.
    I’ll have to touch base with you, as we have a CM Conference in Nov and would love to have Kidology represented and we have some open seminars that need teachers too.

  4. I am so pumped with you Marty, this will be fantastic and another bar setter in children’s ministry in so many ways. Excited to see how God will use this to impact His Kingdom for such a time as this and for those who work with kids.

    Man I am sooooo excited!!!

  5. Wow! What a great God sized idea! Love the idea of training coming to my church, and it is very affordable too! Sign my church up we will be ready for Kidology To Go when it comes to Michigan!

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