How to Search on

How to Search on I’m often asked by our members and visitors, “How do you find things on” Like Emily just did at CPC this past week, “I know you have vast resources, but sometimes I struggle to find things because there is just so much.” It’s a GREAT question! Part of the issue is knowing what you are looking for, and the other part is knowing where to look on the site. Because we have literally tens of thousands of zone posts, forum posts, and other types of content that have been growing daily for nearly twenty years, simply starting at the search engine at the top of the site is only scratching the surface. That is why we divide the content up into category Zones and various topical Discussion Forums to attempt to guide you to where you can find the specific help you are looking for. However, let me give you a few tips on using our search engine. If you start at the top of the site and enter a phrase such as “love and faith” it will look like this: The results will look something like this: However, if you scroll down, you…

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