Have You Made a Huge Mess Lately?

At middle school tonight, Pastor Michael, our middle school pastor made a HUGE MESS at church! In case you are wondering… those are feathers! Hundreds… no. Make that, thousands of feathers! HOW did these feathers get everywhere, you ask? WATCH THIS VIDEO TO FIND OUT: As you heard in the video, the lesson was on Gossip, and Pastor Michael told an old story about a student of a rabbi who was confronted about gossiping about the teacher and he broke open a pillow and asked the student to collect all the feathers. When the student said the request was impossible, the teacher replied that is what gossip is like. You can apologize and be forgiven, but the consequences still blow around and can’t be recovered. That “spreading of the gossip” was certainly true with the feathers as they spread all over the church building! The kids tracked the mess all the way out to the lobby! LOL Oh, the stories I could add of lessons I’ve done that made huge messes, but I’ll save those for another time. What a GREAT WAY to make lesson’s memorable for kids! These students will long remember that when you gossip, you make a…

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A Kids Krew Can Shape Life Direction

I recently got a wonderful e-mail from a Kidology member a friend that illustrates not only the incredible power of equipping kids to service on younger children, but it’s potential to impact the direction of a young people’s future! Dear Karl, After our service today a fifth grade girl asked who came up with the idea of KIDS Krew.  I told her about the CPC in San Diego where Pam Dunnevant and I met you, learned about KIDS Krew, then came home and implemented it.  She told me to tell you thanks, then proceeded to tell me how the Krew was shaping her life.  This young girl has started and will be finishing the year as a “special friend.”  We have a down syndrome child and assigned her (along with another) to sit with him.  She kept signing up for that job and has gone above and beyond talking to his parents and finding out his needs.  She now believes that this has made her want to study Special Education.  She wanted you to know this.  She said, “My life has been changed by KIDS Krew.” Just wanted you to be encouraged by the one who came back to say…

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Meeting Mitt and Ryan 2012

I’m excited about this political season. I think it’s going to be a huge election that once again changes the direction of our country. I think our President and the main stream media are in for a shock come November. I think “Chik-fil-a Day” was just a sneak-peek of what is coming on election day. Electing President Obama was good for America historically but disastrous economically. Not everyone will agree, but that’s fine. I’m assuming most of my readers are Right-leaning; for those who aren’t, that’s OK with me. That’s the great thing about America – we get to vote and settle things peacefully in the voting booth. I don’t mind people who disagree with me politically, and I have good friends who do. I actually enjoy spirited political conversations – the Arena of Ideas is exciting and engaging. What frustrates me to no end, though, are uninformed and disinterested citizens who either don’t vote or vote based on one issue. That is a almost a crime in my opinion. It is a waste of the lives that were sacrificed to provide the freedom to vote and participate in our political process. When people resort to insults or name calling…

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