Kidology Coaching Better Than School -
Perhaps you have considered Kidology Coaching. Perhaps it has never crossed your mind. Either way, I think the letter below from one of our recent graduates will best describe the dramatic difference coaching can make in your ministry. I know there are many children’s ministry leaders out there who will relate to Jennifer’s story, shared here, with her permission. See if you don’t see yourself in the note below. Then consider what coaching might just do for your ministry. There is honestly no other kidmin coaching program available that provides the experience and results that Kidology Coaching does. Karl, After just completing Kidology Coaching Program, I want to thank you for all that this program has offered to the growth of my ministry and myself. When I started this coaching program in November of 2011, I was very intimidated by other “Giants” in Children’s Ministry around me. Children’s Ministry seemed very unfocused because I was bouncing all over the place putting out little fires of things that needed to be done (just not by me). When I began in Children’s Ministry I was very overwhelmed. I did not go to Bible School or Seminary, and my only experience working with children… Continue reading