How Do You Teach Abstract Knowledge to Kids? -
I love thinking of ways to explain things to kids that are difficult for even adults to understand. Kids are “concrete relational” – meaning, if they can’t see it, hear it, touch it, smell it, or taste it – it isn’t real. So how do we teach abstract spiritual concepts like faith? Or reconciliation? Or the difference between justification and sanctification? Some would say we shouldn’t even be teaching these lofty concepts to children, but we must! My first “boss,” was Pastor Erwin Lutzer the senior pastor at The Moody Church in Chicago. I have never forgotten the preaching advice he once gave me as a young rookie. “Karl, I like to preach in such a way that even adults can understand.” Have you ever noticed how much Jesus taught like a children’s pastor? He used people in the audience as volunteers, he used food, he did object lessons – in fact, I argue he was the first Gospel magician, only, He didn’t have to cheat! There was nothing up His sleeve when he did a miracle. One of the challenges I faced as a young minister was how to help kids understand the incredible story of Christmas, and exactly… Continue reading