God, Do Not Bless My Efforts!

How many times have we prayed and asked God to bless our efforts… well, no more! Read on to discover why you should never ask God to bless your work! We want God to look down from heaven, see what wonderful things we are doing for Him, and to bless what we are doing. I was challenged to reconsider this common practice by my written mentor, Oswald Chambers, when he wrote: “Many a Christian worker has left Jesus Christ alone and gone into work from a sense of duty or from a sense of need arising out of his own particular discernment.” This does not necessarily mean we are “sinning,” but that WE are generating the spiritual activity ourselves. Though as we get busy and drift from God, sin certainly can result! Oswald referring to our Christian activity, “There is no sin in it, and no punishment attached to it; but when the soul realizes how he has hindered his understanding of Jesus Christ, and produced for himself perplexities and sorrows and difficulties, it is with shame and contrition he has to come back.” It sounded so spiritual, the old saying I latched onto as a kid: “God can’t move…

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Why Are Christians Afraid of Politics?

Why are Christians afraid of politics? Getting Christians to discuss politics is harder than getting non-Christians to discuss Religion. I know the old saying, “Don’t discuss politics and religion,” but that saying comes out of the fear that we shouldn’t talk about things of which we might disagree. But Christians, of all people, are the very ones who OUGHT to MODEL talking about what we disagree about. I mean, don’t we celebrate how well different denominations can get along and often work together even though they have very sharp differences when it comes to theology? So why can’t we discuss politics nicely? Every time I do a post about politics I get e-mails about them – and very few comments on the post. No one ever e-mails me in response to my blog posts (except a few relatives that don’t know how to do the comments – I love you guys, and its ok!) But when it comes to politics, I get e-mails. And I don’t mean all the e-mails are negative, most aren’t – but I find it interesting that they are sent privately via e-mail instead of posted live on the blog. If Christians stay silent, we surrender…

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My New Obama Logo, I Hope He Likes It!

It seems that I see a lot of Obama bumper stickers, so I’ve been thinking of getting one for myself so I can join the crowd, but I don’t see anything on the stickers that describes Obama’s political philosophy. Yeah, I know “Change” but he offers nothing of real change, only more extreme liberal solutions to problems that liberal “solutions” have created to begin with. (unless you only listen to the mainstream media who have forgotten how to research and report.) And can I just say, I LOVE to hear this man speak! He is the master at saying nothing so well! I always find myself agreeing with him since he says nothing of substance. How do people not see that he is hiding what he truly plans to do? It’s so obvious, it’s like a kid answering his parents questions truthfully when they are trying to get to the bottom of who broke the cookie jar. “Yes, the Cookie Jar is broken. There are far too many broken cookie jars in America today! Something must be done about the lack of cookies in this house. Who is going to clean up the broken the glass? And what about the…

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Jedi Karl on CBS News

OK, I’ve finally gone and done it. (by popular demand, I might add!) Often when I am speaking somewhere (or anytime Star Wars comes up, which it does occasionally in my life) I mention that I got to go see Star Wars Episode II nearly a week early at one of the only fully digital theaters in the country (which had scenes not in the release for the general public since George Lucas kept tinkering with the film even after it was shipped off in film to theaters across the coutry and only digital projector theaters actually showed the version that you now see on the DVDs, not many people realize that.) Anyway – what I often mention is that when we came out of the theater (and yes, I went dressed as a jedi with a friend) we were interviewed by two national networks, both of which aired that night across the country. We were only able to get a copy of the CBS report. What did I finally do? I put it up on YouTube. (Again, only by popular demand, it’s rather embarrassing actually!) Now, before you watch this I need to make a few disclaimers. First of…

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