The Kidologist being stalked? -
Shelly is mentioned below… today she showed up at my workshop wearing a fan shirt… Shelly, me and her preschool director Debbie Close up of shirt. The back of the shirt. Apparently, this idea was discussed on Kidology, but only Shelly came through!It wasn’t the first female fan, Sherry Davis, INCM store manager pulled a quick one on me! I explaied that my digital camera flashed twice, and that it was the second flash that actually takes the picture. So after the first flash I saw some motion out of the corner of my eye and this was what the picture revealed: That’s as close as she got! Posting it here is her punishment. Tanner suggested a new blog theme, ‘the women of CPC’, but I think this is it… I don’t want to be sleeping on the floor when I get home! More pictures of the women (and men) of CPC coming next! But no more stalker or kissy photos! Continue reading