Crippled for a Week! (and counting) -
Labor Day 2005 – I can’t remember a better one ever, and this one ended up in the Emergency Room! (Yes, with me getting shots and stiches!) A family in my church invited Sara and I to go out on their boat on Lake Geneva (WI) for some fun boating, swimming, eating in town, tubing, and bleeding. ;) Well, ok, they didn’t invite me to bleed, but oh the memories! I had never ‘tubed’ like this before. WOW! What fun! As I always say, “I have a new hobbie!” (Though I’ve said that about many things I’ve only done once!) But the tubing was a blast and I went with the eldest of the three adorable girls. If you want to see me eat water, watch this: WIPE OUT! (QuickTime 7MB) This was before the accident. Then it was in to town for lunch with my cute date. :) Ahhhh, isn’t that romantic? :) (not pictured, the bandages and stains on the carpet.) Each of the girls is a sweetheart! Bundles of fun, energy and laughter! When sunset came, the view was wonderful. (By this time, the bleeding still hadn’t stopped) My highlight (besides bleeding) was holding on to this… Continue reading