Kid U Columbus has begun... -
Tonight was the Kid U Pre-conference: Creativity Blitz! It was a showcase of our speakers talents all centered around the theme of “Bear Much Fruit!” We have people attending from Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, West Virginia, Michigan in addition to throughout Ohio. (not counting our speakers from Illinois and Indiana.) Kid U has begun! First to arrive was Pastor Kal Kilchrist, her amazing son Chad (not pictured here) and a youth helper Cheryl. ( Kal is one of the most creative children’s pastors I have met! She is highly energetic and always brings a bunch of people with her and a host of props. She had to drive from Chicago because of all the props she brings to her workshops! Next, the Laflins arrived! (David and Teesha) They are the BEST Christian Illustionist team in the country! We have used them at our church for an outreach, as well as featured at Kid U North last year! Their performances are incredible – but even more amazing is their heart and kids and ministry. They came all the way from Sterling, Colorado! On of our sponsors for the event is Discipleland. They have been long time supporters of Kidology… Continue reading