I Kid U Not, we had a GREAT TIME! -
Last weekend was the Kidology University in Appleton, Wisconsin, and it was a HUGE success! Here are just some highlight pictures…. it is in no way complete, and please no one get your feelings hurt if there is no picture of you. :) I just want to get some up due to the flood of emails pouring in demanding pictures!! This should satisfy both of the them. This was our second year doing Kid U Wisconsin. The staff at the Appleton Alliance Church are amazing and were the secret to our success! (along with the beautiful and sweet Kid U Conference Coordinator, Sara!) The secret to staying awake and alert after three hour drive, late night pizza party (the pizza guy got in a car accident and kept us up for an hour and a half waiting, and arrived just as we were about to finally cancel the order… at least it was free!), Creativity Blitz on Friday Night, and alllllll day Saturday, then looooooong drive home and gettin’ ready for church on Sunday morning! Whew! What a weekend! (but I’d do it all over again!) Friday evening Preconference Creativity Blitz was a ROCKIN’ GOOD TIME! The Appleton J.A.M. team… Continue reading