Few things are better in life.... -
Few things in in life are better than an afternoon with friends at the park… Today was the final event of the year for our VIP Family Ministry at my church. (VIP = Very Intentional Parent) It’s been a fantastic year! Our family ministry this year was an experiment in an opt-in partnering ministry where families and the church participated in a genuine partnership. I will be writing a review/evaluation soon for my church and will publish on for those interested in what we are doing at Village Church to attempt a better solution for families than just planning ‘family events’ and hoping parents will come. It has been a very encouraging year for me, and MUCH thanks goes to the Dawne and Jay who helped coordinate the ministry and manage the communication and details! THANKS! Any casual time hangin’ out with the kids you love is the best spent ministry time. Better than you greatest lesson is giving your love and time to kids. They will remember YOU longer than any cool lesson you can come up with, and will learn from those lessons better too! Its the best of everything… it’s all about relationships. Sack races are… Continue reading