On the Side of the Road of Life -
You can travel to far away places to find beauty and to marvel at God’s creation, or you keep an eye out the side window of your car… if you open your eyes, you may be surprised how often you can spot God’s handiwork in your daily routine, and how often you’ll discover glimpses of his creativity just off your usual path. As I did today, on my way home from jury duty. There was barely a place to stop my car and getting across the busy street on foot was a challenge, but it took only five minutes to capture some of this beauty that others were zooming right past. It makes we wonder how much of life we miss because we never stop to look. I know I’ve been one of the hyper-busy ones for years and the cost of not slowing down sooner was high. (All these images can be viewed much larger by simply clicking on them) Sometimes, (and preferably) we pull over in life intentionally to take in some rest and be refreshed by God’s creation – but at other times the car of life breaks down and we are forced to stop and take… Continue reading