God's Favorite State -
With the exception of Yosemite and Alaska*, Colorado is my favorite place on earth. (Yosemite and Alaska each go in their own category as there is no comparing to either of them!) So we are enjoying Christmas in Colorado Springs, and a White Christmas at that! Took this picture out the window of van while driving, and used Mac to touch up. (um, yeah added words too, they weren’t already in the sky!) Luke, keeping warm in chilly Colorado. Luke, still working on his crawling. He has backwards down, still working on forward! Went out to dinner, showed Luke how yummy Cheerios are! Historic Moment: Luke has his FIRST CHEERIO! Soon he is downing a whole little bowl, down on the floor that is. Gave Luke an orange thinking he would recoil, instead, he loved it and chomped on it! Luke’s favorite dinner game, peek-a-boo, or “Help Keep America Looking Beautiful” Just a cute picture of baby sleeping…. before… and after! It’s was a beautiful thing… Mountain Dew in a Frosty Mug! WOW! Discovered A&W carries MD, so I asked if I could have it in a frozen mug, they said no one ever asked for that before…. a new… Continue reading