Freedom is not Popular -
Having been to fourteen other countries in Europe, Asia and Central America, I have the right to say that not only am I glad to be an American – PROUD TO BE AMERICAN – but I have the perspective to say that we are lucky to be Americans! Unless you are an immigrant – you are an American because you were born here and THANK GOD for that blessing! There truly is no better place on earth and may I say I am sick and tired of people, especially politicians and news reporters who talk like WE are the scourge of the earth and deserve every bad thing that happens to us. If we are hated, it is because we are better, and we ought to be proud of what makes us better, not make excuses for those who seek to destroy us. I’m not saying we are perfect, but we are not only #1 in the world in freedom and opportunity, we are #2 and #3 and #4 as well. Their is hardly a runner up in what America offers its people. It is no mystery why we have enemies – but it is because we are good, but… Continue reading