My First "Official" Father's Day -
2nd Annual Lake Geneva Father’s Day Picnic Last June I posted my first Father’s Day as a Dad, and in May last year some thoughts on finally being a Dad. This year, with the adoption final, it was nice to just BE a dad and enjoy Father’s Day as a dad without any question marks or fears or concerns. Of course, we marvel at how much he has grown! Father’s Day 2006 Father’s Day 2007 And, unlike last year, where the dressing in swim suit and photo-op lasted longer than the swim, this year, Luke LOVES to swim! Luke is all splashes and smiles this year! We adopted a fish! But what made 2007 extra special were some little critters that Luke won’t see again until he is 18 years old… yup, there were cicadas everywhere! Grandpa catches one! Boy oh Boy, Are These Things UGLY! (click for larger image!) Luke was hesitant to hold it, but wanted to poke it! But he mostly wanted to walk… with parents in toe! (That’s Grandma/Grandpa far left watching!) Or chill out in a grown up chair! It was a wonderful Father’s Day. Being a Dad is the Best Thing! Several family have… Continue reading