2007 - A Year in Review -
One of the best things about blogging faithfully is the gift you give yourself at the end of each year. You get to relive your year and enjoy memories that otherwise may have faded or been lost! And so, just as I did last year, it is time to review the year 2007. And while there are fun times and dates and more serious reflective times, or meeting up with friends or family or ministry trips, sometimes there is just humor, puzzles or simple complaining. My favorites are the purely sentimental. This is not to say the year was without hardship, heartbreak, or pain… (not everything is “blogable”) but through it all, God was an ever present help and showed Himself to be the best Friend, Redeemer and Savior anyone could ever want or need. So from God’s divine perspective, it was a great year for He accomplished His goals and continued to work on me to make me more the man and husband and father and servant of God He wants me to be. So here are my highlights of 2007; It was hard to choose just one post per month, but here they are: JANUARY: Luke Turned One!… Continue reading