My New Obama Logo, I Hope He Likes It! -
It seems that I see a lot of Obama bumper stickers, so I’ve been thinking of getting one for myself so I can join the crowd, but I don’t see anything on the stickers that describes Obama’s political philosophy. Yeah, I know “Change” but he offers nothing of real change, only more extreme liberal solutions to problems that liberal “solutions” have created to begin with. (unless you only listen to the mainstream media who have forgotten how to research and report.) And can I just say, I LOVE to hear this man speak! He is the master at saying nothing so well! I always find myself agreeing with him since he says nothing of substance. How do people not see that he is hiding what he truly plans to do? It’s so obvious, it’s like a kid answering his parents questions truthfully when they are trying to get to the bottom of who broke the cookie jar. “Yes, the Cookie Jar is broken. There are far too many broken cookie jars in America today! Something must be done about the lack of cookies in this house. Who is going to clean up the broken the glass? And what about the… Continue reading