I'm the Kidologist - What's Your Nickname? -
I’m often asked why I call myself the “Kidologist.” Does it mean I’m a children’s ministry expert? Nope. Does it mean I know everything about kids? Nope. Does it mean that think I’m the authority on kids or children’s ministry? Double Nope. I started calling myself the Kidologist years ago because when people would comment on how good I was with kids I worried that as I got older I would lose that touch. I was quite aware that young 20-somethings are usually always get kid-connectors, but that many adults as they get into their 30’s, 40’s (or older) seem to lose their knack with connecting with kids, and I feared my saavy for relating and connecting with kids would diminish with time. As I began to analyize WHY I was effective with kids “Kidology” was born, the study of kids, and how to relate to as well as effectively teach kids. (Explained in more detail in CMPodcast #8) I coined the term “Kidologist” as a reminder to me first of all, that if I wanted to be effective with children for the long haul, I would have to always be a learner. To always be growing, reading magazines &… Continue reading