Luke Turns Four -
Luke is now four years old! It’s hard to believe, but my little boy that entered my life rather suddenly four years ago, is now a little man. It was a very special birthday – as we had both sets of grand parents in town. My dad and his wife live in Colorado, and Sara’s parents flew in from California for this special event and to visit for a few weeks. We took advantage of this unique opportunity and went to a photo studio to get nice photos taken of each of the grandparents with Luke, as well as some shots of mommy and daddy with our little boy. Lukey was an absolutely sweet heart the entire time and we got some wonderful pictures. Here is Luke with my dad and his wife Patty… Luke with Sara’s parents, PJ and Dave… Here is Luke with all his Grandparents! I can’t believe Luke is four! Here is the post when we first got luke, looking at those pictures brings back so many memories. When I ask Luke what happened to my “baby Luke” he answers, “He grew up!” Four is an amazing age! It is the age I asked Jesus in… Continue reading