Why YOU Should Go to CPC -
WHY SHOULD YOU GO TO THE Children’s Pastor’s Conference? I attended my first CPC back in the mid 1990’s and still have my logo-themed dress shirt “Reaching New Horizons” that I bought that year. I have not missed a single CPC since, even when they have had up to three conferences a year! I’ve now been to forty CPC in a row! Yes, I have done workshops, hosted round tables, church tours and exhibited, but even during seasons of life when I was taking a break from active ministry and wasn’t there to do anything, I still attended! Why? Because CPC is not only good for ministry, it is good for relationships and for the soul. Just search my blog for “CPC” and you will find pages and pages of posts about CPC and discover why it is the “conference of conferences” that I believe should be the first choice of every serious children’s ministry leader. There are many good conferences out there, and you ought to visit many of them. But none come close to the networking power, breath of resources, quality of speakers, quantity of options, and level of excellence you find at a Children’s Pastors Conference. It… Continue reading