No Budget? No Problem! -
In these challenging economic times, children’s ministry budgets often get cut… sometimes eliminated. I read often online, even in the forums about ideas for fund raising and saving money. I’d like to take a different approach on this topic – while I AM sympathetic to leaders facing budget cuts and the challenges of ministering with less money, I’d like to pose a sincere question you are welcome to answer in the comments below – my question is simply, “What do you need money FOR?” I think this is an important question. Because I’ve been in a children’s ministry where I had a $30,000 annual budget, a $6000 annual budget and a ZERO annual budget and honestly, my ministry was equally effective in ALL THREE. Honestly. No different. The more money I had to spend never increased the number of kids I could reach! My fear, is that in challenging times, leaders will devote more time to fund raising and get distracted from ministry. Don’t get me wrong. I’m on all for money and creatively investing in ministry! It angers me too when pastors and churches slash kidmin budgets first in tough times. It is WRONG in when they cut… Continue reading