A Kids Krew Can Shape Life Direction -
I recently got a wonderful e-mail from a Kidology member a friend that illustrates not only the incredible power of equipping kids to service on younger children, but it’s potential to impact the direction of a young people’s future! Dear Karl, After our service today a fifth grade girl asked who came up with the idea of KIDS Krew. I told her about the CPC in San Diego where Pam Dunnevant and I met you, learned about KIDS Krew, then came home and implemented it. She told me to tell you thanks, then proceeded to tell me how the Krew was shaping her life. This young girl has started and will be finishing the year as a “special friend.” We have a down syndrome child and assigned her (along with another) to sit with him. She kept signing up for that job and has gone above and beyond talking to his parents and finding out his needs. She now believes that this has made her want to study Special Education. She wanted you to know this. She said, “My life has been changed by KIDS Krew.” Just wanted you to be encouraged by the one who came back to say… Continue reading