No More "Tannerization" at Kidology -
After over ten years as the self-described “Swiss Army Knife” of Kidology, Steve Tanner has accepted a new challenge and will be moving on from our ministry. What is “Tannerization?” Whenever something has passed through Steve’s hands, we have long called it “Tannerized” to describe the quality control and excellence that Steve has brought to our team. While we are sad to see him go – we celebrate all that he has brought to this ministry, and are excited for what God has for him next. Steve will remain a friend of everyone at Kidology! What will the future hold for Kidology in a post-Steve era? Only God knows! But while we scramble a bit to re-organize and search for what’s next, interview potential new staff and make sure everything is up and running before he leaves… we are reflecting on how thankful we are for God bringing Steve to Kidology and what a great job he did! There was never a dull moment with Steve around – his knowledge of all things technical, Disney, Marvel, and just about everything else made working with him always interesting and entertaining. If you really want to know all he did, you might… Continue reading