On an Island in the Middle of the Ocean... -
On an island in the middle of the ocean, there is a member. Ever hear of Reunion? Neither had I. It’s a paradise island near Madagascar complete with a live volcano. While officially discovered by Europeans in 1507, it may appear on a map as early as 1153 AD – ruled over the years by the Portuguese, British and now the French. Just Google images of Reunion Island and you’ll discover some breath-taking pictures like out of a movie. It’s incredible! How did I come to discover this beautiful and fascinating island? When I got the following e-mail this week from a missionary working there: I hope I’m not too late to donate to the $20 for 20 years campaign. I’ve been praying the Lord would provide the money to donate for your 20 years celebrations. Last week we received a gift and it was easy to work out what the money was for & I’m so delighted that was God’s choice! Kidology has been my Kidmin lifeline on the mission field for so many years that I can’t imagine your ministry not being a part of ours. Thanks so much also for all the years of sponsorship that… Continue reading