What Makes a Ministry Successful? -
There is no shortage of books or online articles on success – but what does success look like in Children’s Ministry? You’ll be glad to know the keys to success in kidmin are free. They don’t require a big budget or a specific resource. Budgets and resources can help, but don’t be fooled by thinking they are the key. In fact, they can at times lead you away from real success. So how do you measure success? What are the Four Secrets to a successful children’s ministry? A Successful Children’s Ministry Must Be: Child Centered. God loves every child, and therefore we accept them and love them, just the way they are. Children who need special attention are lovingly welcomed. Our environments are kid-friendly, engaging, and educational. Our volunteers strive to understand a child’s perspective and to make the message of Christianity relevant to the life of a child. We have fun, but it is fun with a purpose! Therefore, our teaching is creative and engaging and connects with the world of kids in order to help them connect with God. “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so… Continue reading