What is Your Philosophy? -
Do you have a Philosophy of Children’s Ministry? Guess what? You do! Whether you have written it out or not, you have core principles that guide your thoughts, decisions, actions, re-actions, opinions and even what annoys you. I would challenge you as you head into a new year, to define the core values that drive you and your ministry forward. It will help you understand yourself, explain your decisions and actions to others, and challenge others to re-think their own approach to ministry to children, particularly your volunteers. It will help your parents understand the reasoning behind why you do things the way you do. HERE IS MINE: Our Children’s Ministry: Is Dedicated to supplementing the family in their attempt to lay a spiritual foundation that, in God’s timing, will lead a child into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and then to provide for them a place where they can grow in their knowledge and love for God. It is not our job to replace the family, but to support and re-enforce the family.He commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in… Continue reading