Growing Up vs. Growing Old -
There are so many things we can learn from kids. While growing up, adults tend to leave behind many traits of children that they would be wise to embrace. We can’t help growing older, but we can help growing up. Keeping a childlike heart and approach to life is not only healthy but also the secret to effective relational ministry. But when do we take it too far? Unfortunately, becoming more like kids can have a negative effect on adult relationships if we aren’t wise in how far we go to be more like children. Here are some things I have learned to help keep the balance and help prevent childlikeness from appearing as immaturity. Explain Your Philosophy of Ministry Every Chance You Get. Every chance I get, both in large groups and in one-on-one conversations, I explain why I am immersed in the world of children. If an adult comments on my Minecraft t-shirt, I explain, “Kids today love this game! By joining them in this interest I am able to build relationships and even make spiritual applications from Minecraft to the Christian life.” I’ll often say, “Don’t be fooled by all the fun and silliness you see. I… Continue reading