The Greatest Place on Earth!

Disneyland may claim to be the ‘Happiest Place on Earch’ (which is debateable with all the crying kids you see there), but YOSEMITE is definately the Greatest PLACE on Earth, and the happiest for me. I think in my entire childhood, other than the day I went to see the first Star Wars movie, Yosemite had the biggest impact on my life. (And that’s not counting be attacked by a bear last time I was here, but that’s a post for another day)

One our way into Yosemite Valley

The driving is spectacular (if not frightening). The vistas are breath taking – they make the Oregon Coast look like ant hills and pebbles. It is simply impossible to completely describe or photograph Yosemite. If you have never been here, you must before you die. Make it your goal in life! When you get here, you’ll say, “Wow, Karl was right!”

First thing I did in Yosemite? Throw a snowball!

We were very surprised to find snow on the way in, and lots of it in some places. We were only in the park for three hours today, but drove in rain, hail, light snow, and under clear blue skies with white puffy clouds. The constantly changing altatude means constantly changing weather too. I went from t-shirt to sweatshirt to raincoat and back to t-shirt, several times.

The water falls are breathtaking.

Yosemite has many of the tallest waterfalls in the world, one that is 2000 feet and another that is over 2400. I walked up to the bottom of one and got soaked. The path was a river of water and you could hardly see through the mist. It was amazing and fun, but extremely wet. Good thing I bought that rain coat on the Rogue River trip!We got to Yosemite a day early, so this trek in was only to ‘scope out the place’, but 185 pictures later, it turned out my camera did a lot of the scoping. (No gallery until Yosemite is all over) But finally, we got to my #1 goal of coming here, to see Half Dome again with my own eyes…

In person, this mountain grabs your eyes and holds them, refusing to let you look away.

We will be here in Yosemite until Saturday! We plan to see as much as possible, and I’ve got a guided bike ride planned as well. I’m trying to talk Sara into climbing the face of Half Dome with me… I’ll keep ya posted.

Sara took this out the car window… pretty cool, eh?

BONUS WALLPAPER FROM KARL’S LAST VISIT ON THE COAST OF CALIFORNIA. Make this your wallpaper, and let it remind you to pray for me!
(It is 548KB)

The Bridge


Karl Bastian is the founder of, the creator of, and the author of His personal website is He is Big Kid with a passion for equipping and encouraging those who minister to children.


  1. I am soooo jealous. I used to live a skip, hop and a jump away from Yosemite. I grew up in Modesto and loved visiting Yosemite. I wouldn’t give up living in Oregon, though!! After you are done blogging your trip, I’m going to have to ask repentance for envy ;-)

  2. Spectacular views! Sorry I’ll miss you in California (I’ll be at the Purpose Driven Conf. May 17-20).

    I looks like you two are having a wonderful, relaxing and invigorating time.

  3. Hey Karl and Sara
    looks like your have a wonderful and relaxing time. I am sure glad that you and Sara could do a trip like this. I know what the impact will be for the future of your ministry (refresh emotional and spiritally, your love for each other and impact it will have on your church). Karl, I now have you on my desktop (the Bridge is that really you?). Look forward to seeing you and Sara in a few weeks. SARA KEEP KARL SAFE! MAKE SURE HE DOSEN’T WALK OFF ANY CLIFFS. :-)

  4. Hey guys,

    If it were ok to be jealous then you can bet that I would be. But since it’s not, then I am simply admiring very greatly what you are doing! My wife and I have discussed taking a similar trip out west, but the time needed for us to take off isn’t feasable right now, so I am enjoying from a distance. If you get near San Francisco, wave to some of my family for me! I’ve enjoyed all the posts (especially SW Celebration III!!!).

    Stay safe!

  5. Whoever takes those pictures of you engaged in the breath=taking feats of walking on bridges made of a few rocks hanging together by nature is a fantastic photographer.

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