9th Annual Success – I Kid U Not!

Hard to believe this was the 9th annual Kidology University here in Chicago. (14th Kid U if you count the ones in other states!) My new church played host and we had a great turn out, many of the rooms were standing room only, so next year we will be looking for an even larger facility. (leads anyone?)

I enjoyed a break this year. No workshops. No EmCeeing, just taking pictures and visiting with our speakers and guests, it was a welcome change of pace for me. Especially walking around with my little boy. I was more daddy and less “Kidologist”… a refreshing change for me.

Bill Allison was one of our many excellent speakers – one of the hallmarks of Kidology is that I am extremely picky about who speaks at a Kidology conference. All of our speakers embody our mission, Equipping and Encouraging. (but doing it while being Entertaining is ok too!)

Master Ron, who as of yesterday is officially now “Pastor Ron” had the place cracking up with his balloon version of Samson and Deliah!

And as our VIP, we had none other than Rob Biagi back! He is a V.I.P. to K.I.D.O.L.O.G.Y.! (not as catchy as the song, but true!)

And our favorite magicians were back, the Laflins, who not only amaze, but teach at a level that allows their workshop attenders to be amazing too!

In addition to all the awesome workshops, we were excited to have our second year of Spanish Workshops. In addition to our Spanish Ministry Director, Susana Orellana, we were excited to bring in Noel Ascencio from California to teach additional workshops in Spanish. Both will be back next year for our 10th Annual Celebration – and 3rd Annual Spanish Conference!

And of course, there are the sponsors and exhibitors! Harvest has been with us from the beginning and we are always so appreciative of their support! Also sponsoring was DiscipleLand and Camp Timber-lee.

Here is Baby Luke excited to see a whole STACK of his favorite book at Karyn Henley’s booth. I came home from CPC with a copy of Karyn’s Day by Day Begin-to-Read Bible and was surprised how much Luke liked it at only one year old, so we are reading through the Bible already a few stories a day, and he sits and listens very attentively, much to my surprise! (but enjoyment) Luke is happy to endorse this book… is this the beginning of Luke Endorsements?

Well, there were many more speakers and exhibitors and fun, so here is a highlight video for you to enjoy and put on your iPod. Music is by Uncle Charlie and available on his Made 2 Praise, Volume 5:

Kid U Chicago 2007

(.mov QuickTime 79mb!)

Kid U Chicago 2007 Pictures


Karl Bastian is the founder of Kidology.org, the creator of ToyboxTales.com, and the author of OrderoftheAncient.com. His personal website is Kidologist.com He is Big Kid with a passion for equipping and encouraging those who minister to children.

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