New Page

I’ve been reviewing my various domains over the past year and letting a bunch of them expire. Back when there was only .com, .org and .net it made sense to snag all three when you bought a domain. Some you bought for fun – like which we did for a conference lanyard years ago at CPC that is still live. Now that there are a zillion extensions, it makes less sense to hang on to other extensions as they no longer prevent brand competition as someone can simply snag up .biz, .info, or a host of others. One of the odd extensions I pocked up early on when they started adding new ones was I’m lucky enough to have a fairly unique name – not too many imposters out there. I was about to cancel the renewal (it just forwarded to my blog) when I got an idea! Why not make literally info about Karl Bastian? I have been accused of being a little confusing with all my various websites for ministry, church, kids, even droning… so what if I had a HUB where you could find them all, IN ONE PAGE? Not a new website –…

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A Pen-Pal in the Philippines

It was a Sunday night in high school. And even though I was sitting in the back pew with my buddies, it was a day that would change my life forever. We had chosen these seats, the farthest possible away from the action because there was a guest speaker from out of town. A missionary who had asked if he could come preach in Chicago because they happened to be in town, even though most of his supporters were out West. My dad had offered his pulpit. I knew the missionary sermon all too well. Matthew 28… Great Commission… pictures of the mission field… challenge to pray, give, or go. I probably could have stepped in if he’d gotten a sore throat and needed me to. But then, I saw it – the picture of his family – and heard him talking about his daughter, Sara. I had just returned from a mission trip to Honduras the week before and perked up. (She was cute.) As her dad talked about some of the dangers they had faced as a family – including hiding her in a hidden compartment when soldiers came through the neighborhood – my buddies and I all…

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Feedback is Your Friend

In any professional setting, even ministry, maintaining open communication with your boss is not just a good practice; it’s essential for personal growth, team success, and organizational effectiveness. Working in a church is no different. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your ministry career, understanding the importance of transparent dialogue with your lead pastor can significantly impact your career trajectory and overall job satisfaction. Few things can sap your joy more than not getting along with “the boss.” So let me suggest some ideas for working on that relationship. Importance of Open Communication: Clarity and Alignment: Open communication ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding expectations, goals, and priorities. When you regularly discuss tasks, projects, and objectives with your boss, you minimize misunderstandings and promote alignment within the team. Problem Solving: Effective communication allows you to address issues as they arise. Whether it’s a logistical challenge, a disagreement with a colleague, or a misunderstanding about a project, having an open line of communication with your boss enables you to seek guidance, brainstorm solutions, and prevent minor issues from escalating. Feedback and Growth: Perhaps the most crucial aspect of open communication is its role in facilitating feedback.…

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Fostering Camaraderie: Building Friendships in Church Volunteer Teams

In any community endeavor, the strength of the team often determines its success. This rings particularly true in the context of church volunteer settings, where individuals come together driven by a shared purpose. However, beyond mere cooperation, cultivating camaraderie among team members is crucial. Camaraderie not only enhances productivity and efficiency but also fosters a sense of belonging and support, ultimately enriching the volunteering experience. Let’s delve into the significance of building camaraderie within church volunteer teams and explore practical strategies to transform teammates into genuine friendships. What is Camaraderie? Camaraderie is the intangible bond that forms among individuals bound by shared experiences, mutual respect, and a sense of belonging. It thrives in environments where collaboration, empathy, and support are valued. It is manifested through laughter shared in moments of joy, shoulders leaned on during times of difficulty, and a collective pursuit of common goals. Camaraderie transcends superficial interactions, weaving a tapestry of trust and friendship that strengthens interpersonal relationships and fosters a sense of unity within groups. It is the foundation upon which teams are built, communities flourish, and lasting friendships are forged, serving as a source of encouragement and solidarity in both triumph and adversity. Why is Camaraderie…

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New from KidCheck… Introducing YouthCheck!

The Only Check-In System Designed for Youth! Kids in your organization grow up fast, and as they mature, they have different needs and requirements when participating. Teens and young adults want independence, desire autonomy, and are fluent in using technology. They attend independently or are dropped off and usually check themselves in on their own. YouthCheck meets these changing needs. YouthCheck is a full-featured check-in system with a youth-driven design that offers the same ease of use and extensive security features as KidCheck’s children’s check-in. It’s engaging and age-appropriate while encouraging accountability and connection. As a leader, you’ll love it because: You’re in control and know who is checked in, when, and where. You can easily connect with youth and/or emergency contacts with broadcast email and text messaging. You have access to any provided medical information and release forms. The shared admin notes provide at-a-glance updates on behavior, special needs, or recent struggles. It creates youth accountability and responsibility. The MIA report lets you know who hasn’t attended in a while. Youth will love it because: Check-in is fast and easy using the YouthCheck app. Checking-in with a system designed for youth shows them they are seen as young adults.…

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