You may remember a few months ago when I went to One Way Street’s I-FEST conference as a Kidology Reporter to check out this event and report on Kidology the status of Puppet Ministry.

Well, it took longer than I’d hoped, but the Kidology Report on Puppet Ministry is now live, and features I-FEST as evidence that puppet ministry is alive and well. In addition to the MP3 interview with OWS’s new president, Todd Liebenow, I put together a video of several interviews I did while there, appropriately with puppets – both Gus, my main puppet, and a new little guy I bought while there. (already seen in a post about Puppet Team names interviewing a baby!)

It’s nearly 15 minutes long, but it will give you some glimpses into I-FEST as well as show you how I use a puppet to interview people. ENJOY!

Karl’s Puppet Interview Attendees at I-FEST 2007:

Available also as a QuickTime download (113mb): Kidology I-FEST Interviews


Karl Bastian is the founder of Kidology.org, the creator of ToyboxTales.com, and the author of OrderoftheAncient.com. His personal website is Kidologist.com He is Big Kid with a passion for equipping and encouraging those who minister to children.

One Comment:

  1. The video is hilarious. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for putting me in it. :)

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