Found another hidden treasure!
One of the most difficult things to explain to children (or adults for that matter) is the ‘problem of evil.’ It is a philosophical issue that troubles even the most inquiring minds, but doesn’t escape the simple minds of children either. What is ‘free will?’ Why did God give it to us? Why do so many people not believe in God, or even know about Him – if He is truly all knowing and all-powerful? And if He is so loving, why does He allow so much evil in this world? He must be either not all-powerful, not all-knowing, or not all-good for there to be so much in this world that isn’t good!
All fair questions.
I attempted to answer them years ago with a story I wrote called THE DAY THE KING UNLOCKED THE GATES.
I’m no artist – but I even did the illustrations myself and reproduced this book for the kids at my church. I have only a paper master, so I’ve scanned it and created a eBook PDF for your enjoyment.
I do hope you will read it to your kids and let me know what you think! It addresses free will, Sunday celebrations and even why we send out missionaries!
Download Here: The Day the King Unlocked the Gates (2.4 MB PDF)
I shared a link on my FB page! (And, yay! Someone who teaches about free will.) :)
Thanks! I look forward to hearing how you like the story.