BIG NEWS from Speed Stacks!

It is no secret to those who have been on for awhile that I am a HUGE fan of Speed Stacks. Perhaps you’ve seen my 32,000+ views YouTube video, or me beating then world champ Emily Fox, or challenging NFL Roookie of the Year Chicago Bears Tommie Harris, or read my Speed Stacks Object Lessons, or just read my Wacky Art of Kupstacko PowerPoint and scratched your head. What can I say? I love stacking cups really, really fast!

In fact, I have been “sport stacking” since before I ever heard of Speed Stacks. I thought I invented it and used to claim it was the next Olympic sport.  I used my own version of stacking in kids church and at camp long before I ran into my first official Speed Stacks spokesperson, Roger Washburn, and was excited to buy my first set of official Speed Stack cups. I showed him how I stacked and he TOOK MY CUPS AWAY until I promised I would stack according to the sanctioned rules of the WSSA. I crossed my heart, hoped to die and all that, and he allowed me to buy my first set of cups, and mini-cups, and a timer, and a  mat. Now I’ve got weighted cups, shirts, hats, a backpack, battlestack and more.

BUT HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT THEY HAVE NOW!? It is way too cool and a MUST HAVE for your children’s ministry!

GIANT SPEED STACKS CUPS! I can’t wait to do games with these! And you get a SET OF THREE for only about 100 George Washingtons! ($119 retail, $109 members)

ORDER YOUR JUMBO CUPS and let the Big Fun Begin! I think this is yet another great idea from Speed Stacks. I love how they keep innovating on a simple concept that kids love – and a tool that helps adults connect and engage with children in a highly interactive and competitive way but where the playing field is truly level.

If you have not discovered the power of Speed Stacks in your ministry, you really are missing out. But its never too late to start!

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