Coming in Next to Next to Last

I’m excited to announce I came in in Next to Next to Last on the Church Leaders Top 200 Church Blogs on Two Websites! (Actually, it’s the same list in two places)


Yup, I was Number 198 on a list of 200! Barely made it! Whew! But what an honor to be noticed and because they did the ranking based on Google ranking and subscribers to Google Reader and RSS feeds, I must say:


to those you YOU who read my blog, because it must mean you find my posts interesting, helpful, encouraging or something in order to keep coming back. I often say “I’ve been blogging since before there were blogs” and so it’s nice to know there are people reading!

I don’t often post (or concern myself) with awards or recognition (my dad raised me to not give much thought to such things) but as long as I am here to say “Thanks”, I should mention Tony Kummer’s Blog List – not because I’m on it – but because so MUCH WORK goes into creating these lists, and he has 99 OTHER great Kidmin Bloggers on it, all worthy of checking out, in addition to my blog:

So thanks again for reading my blog. Again, it’s nice to know folks appreciate it – it’s just another part of my Life Mission: To Reach and Teach as many children as possible with the Good News of God’s Love and in the process to Enlist, Equip and Encourage Others to do the same.


  1. Karl,

    Thanks for pointing out my top 100 kidmin blogs list. It was a fun idea that turned into the hardest blog post I wrote last year. Still fun, just a little cramp in the neck.

    Your still one of the very few blogs with a cool cartoon version of yourself. Those intangibles gotta count for something even if they can’t be measured.

  2. Very cool! Proud of ya bro!

  3. Way to go Karl!!

    I enjoy Tonys blog as well and liked his list because for the first time I too made a top 100 list and came in at #55 with my blog. But like you I don’t get caught up in the list too much. I do thank Tony for taking the time in putting it all together because I always learn of a new blog or two with these list.

  4. And Tony – your blog made 17 on the Top 200 list! Way to Go Bro!! You are ROCKIN’ IT!

  5. Congratulations, Karl. It’s even more impressive when you consider these are church blogs in general, not just children’s ministries.

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