Sometimes you wonder if you are making a difference.
You know who you are.
You labor quietly and gently. You show tenderness to the meek; kind firmness to the rebellious. You extend grace where possible and longsuffering with kids, parents and even fellow children’s workers who try to get under your skin. You pray secretly for those who are hurting, especially those who mistreat you. You display a cheerful countenance, always trying to greet and encourage newcomers. Whether they are into goth, punk, the latest techno gadget, or self-absorbed behavior, you treat them all with the same level of respect. You may not know it just yet, but they notice the difference. And it matters to them. Even if they do not admit it.
Sometimes you wonder if you are making a difference. You wonder if the hours and minutes you spend preparing lessons and interacting with the children has kingdom impact. You wonder if the words you speak are finding fertile soil in which to blossom. You wonder if that hurting child, over whom you have cried tears in prayer and travail, will ever experience the breakthrough you know that God desires to provide.
It is happening already. God is on the move. He is working in and through you to demonstrate his compassion so that the gospel can penetrate their hearts and minds. All of this is happening because you have been there over the years faithfully, quietly and diligently doing what you do. You are making a difference.
Together we will follow the Lord in causing this difference-making impact to expand exponentially so that a greater depth of maturity will take root in the midst of our faith communities and neighborhoods around the world. The result will be greater ministry fruitfulness.
Do you still wonder if you are making a difference?
Glen Woods
Kidology Kidmin Pro
Guest Blog Post.
Originally published in the Kidology Monday Update “Encouraging Word”