Oh! HI! Oh!

Well, DAY TWO of our sabbatical is underway. After a healthy nutritious breakfast… McBagel with Creme Cheese and Strawberry Jam! We headed to Webb’s Antique Mall (who puts those travel magazines in the hotel rooms!?!?!?!?), which claims to be largest in Indiana… Amazing… pay for old stuff, that costs more now than when it was new! While Sara shopped, I checked out the old cemetary next door and researched Steve Tanner’s roots. (and others, will be posted in the photo gallery to come!) Tanner than whom? Not any more. Next we decided to take in some of the local food to see how the natives eat here… Nothing like trying new places… Then, after taking in miles of the breath-taking Indiana landscape… Glad I brought my camera! We finally got to Ohio! Kim Bobb, here we come! Kim and Nick Bobb in their new home. And thier hypoallergenic dog, Cali.NOW WE ARE OFF TO HAVE SOME FUN, MORE LATER! Tomorrow is Kim’s church, a volunteer gathering, and the CIRCUS!

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Begun, This Sabbatical Has.

Well, the sabbatical is officially underway! In fact, this post is being made from a hotel in Richmond, Indiana – and with my laptop online with my cell phone, due to some fancy third party software that makes my Treo600 take my Powerbook online at 100K – not bad for free unlimited Internet while traveling (anywhere there is cell reception, of course) But since most of you are bored already with this ‘tech talk’ on to our adventures…. First stop: Fridays with Sara’s parents in the South Burbs… Next Stop: My older sister and her kids at Dairy Queen…(SEE MORE PICS FROM TODAY IN DAY ONE GALLERY) Me and Pastor Dave Barber. (boss man) I’d like to dedicate this first sabbatical post to my boss and pastor, Dave Barber. He’ll cringe for me saying it here (huuuummmmmble man of God that he is) but I am so grateful to be able to work with a pastor who truly seeks after God’s heart and who cares for his staff beyond just “job performance.” He really works hard to minister to us, encourage us, challenge us, and make sure we are doing well spiritually. While he is reluctant to accept any credit,…

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Ready to HIT THE ROAD!! Trooper Style!

The countdown is over and we will be on the road soon! The PK Cruiser* has been outfitted for the Star Wars Convention which will be attending after our visits to Grove City Nazarene in Ohio and Liberty Baptist Church in Indiana. The PK Trooper Transport is Ready for Dispatch! PK Cruiser? Yes, that’s right, my Cruiser is a one-of-a-kind special edition “PK Cruiser” – here is the proof: THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS AS WE TRAVEL! We look forward to hearing from you via comments, forum posts, and e-mail!

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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles!

Well, it is time to unveil the SABBATICAL MAP! We will be leaving later this week and headed on a 3500+ mile trip to visit churches, see some family, and take in some of God’s most beautiful creations! I hope you will join us on the journey here at kidologist.com! DOWNLOAD THE PDF HERE (UPDATED SINCE E-MAIL NOTICE!) Put in on your Frig, follow along, and PRAY for us! You can comment in the Kidologist Forum as well on Kidology.org

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My Last Sunday…

Well, hopefully not MY LAST Sunday (on earth), but today is my last Sunday at Village Church until the END OF MAY!!! I will be on sabbatical, traveling from Chicago to Ohio to Washington down the coast through Oregon and Northern California to San Fransico and ending up in Yosemite before flying home and then after Star Wars III will be off for one more trip to Michigan and concluding with a long anticipated trip to Cedar Point! I’m going to miss being ‘on the job’ but with my new Treo 600 I will be connected throughout and able to get my laptop online to post here. I will post here as much as possible, and will be looking forward to COMMENTS posted here so I know I’m actually missed!! While I am excited about the Adventures planned (some really cool plans are in the works) I am also finding that it is really hard to leave – and most of all – hard to leave the KIDS I get to see and enjoy every week at church. I may only get to see them for a few hours a week, but they are the BEST hours of the week!!…

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