Could This Be a Good Friday?

Could This Be a Good Friday?   I was born into darkness. Not the kind of darkness that comes with the night, but the darkness that shrouds the world when you cannot see. For I was born blind, navigating the streets of Jerusalem by touch and sound, reliant on the generosity of strangers for my survival. Life was a constant struggle. I scrounged for food wherever I could find it, my tin cup serving as a meager vessel for the coins tossed my way. Some days, I managed to scrape together enough to buy a few morsels of fresh fruit or secure a shelter for the night, but most nights were spent under the open sky, huddled against the cold with only the animals for company. Then, one day, everything changed. I heard the commotion of a crowd approaching, and through the cacophony of voices, I sensed a presence unlike any other. His name was Jesus, a man rumored to perform miracles, including healing the blind! With a desperate plea, I called out to him, my voice barely audible above the din of the crowd. “Rabbi, Rabbi! Give me back my sight!” To my astonishment, he stopped. He knelt beside…

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