In my vast collection of children’s ministry resources, materials, booklets, pamphlets, and relics from decades of ministry I stumbled upon this treasure. It is a recruiting tool from CEF, Child Evangelism Fellowship. No author’s name is provided, but the content does say you’ll never gain fame or glory in children’s ministry, perhaps they lived that by leaving off their name.
I’m posting this because the content of this simple pamphlet is GOLD. I’ll be sharing some of the heart of it in my children’s ministry orientation on Sunday to potential volunteers. I’ve scanned it here for you to read, reflect and reuse as you see fit.
The words may be dated but the message is timeless. I think this is a message that needs to be shared today loudly and clearly. The CALL of Children’s Ministry needs to be elevated to the high calling that it is.
Here is the overview:
- The one who is called to children’s ministry will believe that children are important in themselves.
- One who is called to minister to children believes that children are important to God.
- Those called to reach children are committed to their life-and-death spiritual needs.
- The one who is called believes children can “hear,” understand, and receive Christ.
- Those who are called to a children’s ministry will not be seekers after fame and glory.
- The one called to work with children is willing to earnestly study the Word of God.
- The called worker has an ability to speak with children at their level of understanding.
- The called children’s worker is one who is able to be creative the way he communicates.
- The one called to minister to children will have the grace of patience… (or will be working on it!)
I hope you find these points both challenging and affirming in your ministry to children and perhaps you can use these in your own recruiting for the ministry that you lead.
I bolded numbers 4 and 6 as those are the ones I see at issue today – too many ministries are failing to boldly share the Gospel and are settling for fun, creative educational ministries and are failing to evangelize children – what is the point of it all if we do not SAVE children from hell? Our primary mission is to lead kids to Christ! Secondly, far too many children’s ministry leaders today are weak in their own biblical knowledge and understanding. Recent studies show this is true even of pastors – may this not be true of us to lead and teach children. Be a scholar of God’s Word, rightly dividing the Word of God! Never say, “I only teach children,” but rather, “I teach children, therefore I will know the Word of God!”