Karl and Sara meet the Maker…

The maker of Star Wars that is.

This is just a fast post from my palm – through fluke in the Force we got the BEST seat to see George without waiting in line!! More details later (and pictures) Oh, here he comes…. BYE!


Karl Bastian is the founder of Kidology.org, the creator of ToyboxTales.com, and the author of OrderoftheAncient.com. His personal website is Kidologist.com He is Big Kid with a passion for equipping and encouraging those who minister to children.

One Comment:

  1. Okay you two, now that is not even nice…don’t leave us hanging like that!!! Soooo…what happened??? Did you get to meet Mr. Lucas??? Keep us posted ASAP…or we’ll send out the dogs….uh…rrrr…I mean dog…to ummm…lick you to death!~ = ) We hope you’re having fun!

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