To all my organic food friends… this you will love. And even if you hate organic food, you’ll enjoy this… and may find yourself turning to the healthy side of the Farm. (the Field which gives life to all growing things) Meet Cuke Skywalker, Obi-Conoli, Ham and Chew-Broccoli, and of course, Darth Tater.
STORE WARS – The Official Site
Scenes from the Epic Food Fight
You can download a 8MB QuickTime here: Store Wars
Get the MOVIE POSTER as well. (very cool)
UP-DATE: I just had to add The Meatrix link.
I bet I could get my kids to eat this veggies. :-)
Later Tater,
I used this in my kids church on Sunday!! Tooo cool.
I think they owe Veggie Tales some money!