Which is better: Powerful Jedi Knight or Rodent?


Well, it was Baby Luke’s first Halloween. While we are not huge fans of Halloween, we do enjoy the dressing up and, of course, giving and getting candy. And, as first time parents, we have been looking forward to, and enjoying all of Baby Luke’s ‘firsts’ so why not have some fun dressing him up?

PROBLEM: What do you do when BOTH mom and dad buy the little guy a costume? Well, not only do you trick or treat twice, and have two separate photo-ops, but you take the issue to your blog readers and ask them to vote!

YOUR DECISION: Which costume was better? The POWERFUL JEDI KNIGHT, Luke Skywalker (not forgetting Luke’s NAME is “Luke”) or dressing him up as a rodent of unusual size?

Please VOTE in the COMMENTS for JEDI KNIGHT or RODENT. Here are the pictures to aid in your valuable vote decision….

CHOICE ONE: The Rodent (aka Mickey Mouse)

Here is Sara with her little adorable mouse boy.

Is he simply adorable, or what?

Em, Eye, See, Kay, Ee, Why?
Em, Oh, You, Es, Ee!

Did you say “Candy?” Oh, wait, I have no teeth yet!

You’ll never spank ME will you?

CHOICE TWO: The Powerful Jedi Knight, Guardian of Peace and Justice in the Galaxy!

Jedi Dad with his Padawan Learner!

Off to get candy from the neighbors… too bad Jedi Luke can’t eat it!

Back inside to play with an X-wing fighter and eat a pilot!

This is sooooo much fun!

I got to go trick or treating twice!!
(granted, only 2-3 houses each time, it was COLD out!)

What IS this stuff people gave me?

I wonder if it is edible?

“Luke, I am your father!” (had to get that in, of course)

Jedi Luke playing with his light saber.

I offered him Darth Dad’s helmet and asked him if he would like to chose the dark side… I was delighted to see his tears… truly a good jedi at heart! Never will he join the dark side!

OK – YOU’VE SEEN THE CHOICES: Noble Jedi Knight, or Rodent. PLEASE VOTE IN THE COMMENTS for your choice!BY THE WAY: Is this Baby Luke with the mascot from the Chicago Wolves? Yes, it is!!

Hope this wolf doesn’t like eating mice!

My nephew, who lives down the street, won a sweepstakes to participate in a costume contest at a Chicago Wolves Game – and then he goes and wins first place! His prize? The official mascot of the Chicago Wolves comes to HIS HOUSE and goes trick or treating with him and his family and friends! Not bad, eh?

Baby Luke in the arms of a WOLF!

Here is my nephew winning with his Ginger Bread Man’s Revenge costume. Full Story Here.


Karl Bastian is the founder of Kidology.org, the creator of ToyboxTales.com, and the author of OrderoftheAncient.com. His personal website is Kidologist.com He is Big Kid with a passion for equipping and encouraging those who minister to children.


  1. Uncle Jordan and Auntie Kelly

    Uncle Jordan votes for the Noble Jedi Luke Floorcrawler, but Auntie Kelly voted for Lukey Mouse (or as I call it, R.O.U.S.)

  2. Wow, both are cute!!

    I would have to go for the Jedi – I’ve never seen a little Jedi costume like that before.

  3. As momII, my motherly instincts see the peace flood over his dear little face when dressed as an adorable mousie. Whereas, the fighting Jedi costume brings an overwhelming terror to his otherwise sweet countenance knowing that he could be blown off the face of the universe at any given moment.

  4. C’mon, there’s no way Mickey can’t win!! He is just too cute in that costume. I laughed and laughed and just had to hug on him for a while after i put the costume on. He’s just the cutest little thing.

  5. Three votes for Jedi here!

  6. He’s the cutest Mickey ever!! I vote RODENT!

  7. I vote for the Jedi costume! My brother Max will be so jealous when he finds out that the Wolves mascot trick or treated with Parker!!!

    Love, Boomerang

  8. Mommy Kittle votes for Mickey! Just adorable. Hope you all had fun yesterday.

  9. Sorry, Karl, but I’ve gotta go with the Mouse on this one. Don’t get me wrong, the Jedi costume is top notch. But seeing it with just a casual glance, it looks like, ummmm, pajamas. Whereas the mouse costume loudly proclaims: “I am Mouse, hear me roar!” (or something like that).

  10. I can just FEEL Daddy’s attempt to sway the vote. But, I have to go with ROUS, Reminder of Unusual Sweetness (the costume with the big, heart-warming round black ears.

  11. I could FEEL Daddy’s attempt to influence the vote here. But, I have to go with the ROUS, Reminder of Ultimate Sweetness, with the big, heart-warming round black ears.

  12. Gotta go with Mickey Mouse. He looked adorable!! :)

  13. Mickey Mouse here. I was with Sara when she bought the costume and we were both oohhhing and ahhhing over how cute he would look in it and he did. Definetly the mouse. Love ya Lukey, Melissa

  14. I love those huge white gloves on his hands, so I have to go with Mickey too!

  15. I fell the force (of the Lord) is strong with this one…

    Jedi all the way!

  16. Sorry about the typo! I meant “feel” of course!

  17. I liked Luke’s first Halloween. I enjoyed little Mickey, but what was the orange pod that Darth was holding? I probably am not well versed in Star Wars to know. It looked like fun. I will keep praying.

  18. I gotta go with the mouse! He looked SO cute. :)

  19. Its all about the Jedi!!

  20. Mommy Kittle votes for Mickey! Just adorable. Hope you all had fun yesterday.

  21. I only like the mouse because of the simple fact that he was an R.O.U.S. But considering that I dressed up as a Jedi, I’m going to have to vote for the Jedi. But what was with that saber? Is that the Darth Luke model?

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